Rhoda Fahieh

Name: Rhoda Fahieh
Age: 31
Hometown: Denver, CO
Sport(s)/Activity: Running, OCR, Weight Lifting
Affiliations/Groups: Spartan Race, DEKA
Social Media Handles:
Insta: Rowdesia
1. Why did I first choose my sport?
I wanted to motivate myself to try something different and for personal growth.
2. Why do I continue to play my sport?
I love the progress I've made and how far I've come. Plus I've met some amazing people along the way!
3. If I could achieve anything I wished for in my sport, what would it be?
I would want to place top 5 in my age group! That's my next goal.
4. What are the physical things I do really well in my sport?
Physically, I'm really strong and I learn movements quickly.
5. What are the mental things I do really well in my sport?
I've learned mental toughness and how to push through tough situations.
6. How physically fit/strong do I need to be for my sport?
In these sports, being physically fit and strong is important. However it's important to train in all areas not just running or weight lifting.
7. What skills and attributes do the best athletes have in my sport?
The skills and attributes that the best athletes have are strength (physically and mentally), and they have a ton of discipline.
8. What do I need to do to make sure I’m physically prepared for my sport?
Not only do I need to train hard but I need to make sure I'm recovering correctly and fueling my body correctly in order to make sure I'm physically prepared for my sport.
9. How many hours of sleep do I need each night?
I normally only get 4 to 5 hours per night at the moment, however I’m hoping to change that with 5280Holistics sleep support!
10. How do I make sure I get a sound night’s sleep?
I try to unwind and relax once I get home from work go to bed by 10 pm.
11. How do I know if my recovery is working?
I know my recovery is working when I can increase my workout intensity and I feel healed sooner after a race event.
12. What about sport brings me the most joy?
The atmosphere and the positivity of the events brings me so much joy. Plus it's amazing to see how far you can push your body and mind.
13. How important is achieving my sporting goals to me?
Achieving my sporting goals is so important to me that I've worked for over 5 years on my fitness goals to do well in my sport.
14. Where does confidence come from?
I've learn and grow the confidence in myself through a lot of hard work, self reflection, and meditation.
15. What am I going to change tomorrow to make me better than I was today?
What I plan to change tomorrow to make me better is to feel reflecting and learning different ways to grow in my sport.
16. Any other info you want to share about yourself or your sport?
I've learned that motivation is the tool to get you started. Discipline is the tool to keep you going. Practicing discipline has helped me grow and succeed in my goals and I'm hoping it'll help me continue to get better!